21st Century Skills

We are currently preparing students for jobs and technologies that don’t yet exist… in order to solve problems that we don’t even know are problems yet. ”Skipin is the first learning programme that goes beyond the syllabus and integrates 21st Century Skills into learning resources.

Real time usage tracking updates you on how your child is enjoying Skipin. You also receive periodic detailed Competency Analytics Reports to help you identify the gifts and gaps. These insights help you participate in your child’s learning.

While a large part of Skipin resources is made by inhouse creators, it has crossed the borders of country and curriculum to partner with experts who create high quality educational resources for children.Interesting videos, simulations, puzzles and projects make Skipin a varied collection of truly world class resources.

App Skipin on iOS and Android synchronises seamlessly with Skipin web platform. You always have Skipin with you and can learn on the go. On smartphone or on a tablet, Skipin app makes learning easy and fun.